Monday, October 26, 2009

Instructing a Child

Are you having difficult time to make your child follow your instruction? It is a normal behavior for children. But you can still make them do what you ask them without necessarily blowing your top. here are effective steps to gain compliance from your child. These are guarantees to prevent frustration, anger and resentment. Stop and decide what you want your child to do.

Get the child’s attention. Move closer to him or call him to come to you. make direct eye contact.Consistency in child behavior modification comprises the key to successfully instructing your child in right from wrong while correcting them. The key to child behavior modification is in keeping little misbehavior and poor conduct from later on becoming larger misbehavior and less desirable behaviors.

Tell him what to do directly and firmly. Don’t ask, though you may offer a choice if you wish. Don’t end your instruction with “ OK”? Don’t let him sidetrack you with whining, excuses, or arguing. Restate your instructions one more time if necessary then watch to make sure he begins. Praise him when he does the task quickly and well. You find a good job with those dishes. If he doesn’t begin doing what you said or doesn’t finish, say: “ What did i tell you to do?”

1 comment:

  1. yes it is often very difficuilt to make angry child agree to ones instructions, but during happy mood, child instruction is easy..

    tk care...
